打电话或发短信到(800)648 -9401

ladbrokes立博亚洲有很强的可靠性记录, 然而, there are many reasons why even the best utilities experience outages. Most outages occur during storms that produce high winds which can cause trees to fall into power lines. 我们鼓励会员报告停电情况, so our outage management system can guide crews to areas they need to address.


检查保险丝和断路器. If your power does not come back on after you have reset the circuit breaker or changed the fuses, take a moment to check if your neighbors’ homes 和 nearby yard lights are also without power before informing the Cooperative.

  • Turn off or disconnect any appliances you were using when the outage occurred. Leave one light on so you will know when the power has been restored.

  • We will do everything possible to restore service quickly. Please help minimize calls to the Cooperative by calling a second time only if your neighbors’ power comes back on 和 your service has still not been restored.


Members that have a valid mobile number in our system can text in their outage 和 receive status updates on a current outage. 

-如果您正在经历中断. 文本关键字“OUT”到800-648-9401. 

  • 如果交易成功, you'll receive this message: Which Address: (A) 1234 Street RD? 回复OTHER或A.
  • If response is A, you will receive this message: 1234 Street RD: Thank you. 您的中断已被报告. 中断地图(链接)或回复帮助以获取更多信息.

- Text Keyword '状态' to 800-648-9401 There are several different responses dependent on your outage situation.

If restoration times are not known—you'll receive this message: 

  • 如果交易成功, you'll receive this message: 1234 Street RD: CWP is aware of your outage. 停机图(链接). 回复帮助 4 info. 

If restoration times are known—you'll receive this message: 

  • 如果交易成功, you'll receive this message: 1234 Street RD: CWP is aware of your outage. 故障图(链接)回复帮助4信息. 预计恢复时间(日、日期、时间)


  • 如果交易成功, you'll receive this message: Reply OUT to report an outage, 状态表示中断更新,QUIT表示退出. 点击(链接)获取更多信息或致电800-648-9401.

—文本关键字QUIT: 800-648-9401

  • 选择退出此服务. 你可以发关键字“QUIT”. You will be able to opt-in at a later date if you so choose.

If the outage is widespread, our telephone lines may be busy when you call. 请耐心等待,您的来电对我们很重要. 在严重破坏的情况下, we will communicate an update to the local media as soon as we can determine the situation. 此外,停机更新经常发布在 乌鸦翅膀力量脸谱网页面.


暴风雨过后, Crow Wing Power is committed to restoring your power as quickly 和 as safely as possible. 对于那些想要帮忙的人, here are some dos 和 don'ts to keep everyone — the public 和 the repair crews — safe.

  • 报告故障. Let us know when your power is out by calling or texting OUT to 1-800-648-9401
  • 保持安全. 远离工作人员正在工作的地方.
  • 报告损坏. 报告任何掉落的电线, broken poles or safety concerns that may help us by calling our 800 number. The text notification service is only able to respond to four TEXT keywords (OUT, 状态, 帮助, 和退出) 
  • 社交媒体. 使用乌鸦翅膀的力量 脸谱网推特 有关停电的最新消息. We monitor 和 update those regularly during large outage situations. 
  • When calling to report an outage it’s helpful if we have your current phone number being used for locating your outage.
  • Please don’t interfere with repair crews while they work. That includes asking them to explain what they are doing or asking when the power will be restored at your house. Every minute spent answering those questions is a minute taken away from restoring service. 相反,请访问我们的 停机地图 or social media pages for the latest updates on power restoration in your area.
  • Don’t attempt to assist by cutting fallen trees away from power lines. Always assume a power line is energized 和 dangerous, even when power is out in that area. Anything touching the line can conduct electricity—including trees, 人类的身体, 车辆, 还有地面,有触电的危险.


The Text Notifications service is a program that is allowing us to send 和 receive test messages concerning power outages.


Crow Wing Power does not charge a fee to receive text messages. However, your cell phone carrier may charge you to send 和 receive text messages. 请与您的运营商联系以获取更多细节. 消息和数据速率可能适用.


In order to send 和 receive text messages, members must have a valid number on their account. Registered SmartHub users can verify 和 add mobile numbers to their account in the profile tab when logged in. Members without a SmartHub account can add their mobile number by calling our billing department at 218-829-2827.

Q: What if I have multiple accounts/service locations? (房子、商店、谷仓、企业等.)

When you text OUT, the system will give you the option to select which location is affected. 

  • EX Message: OUT: Which Address: (A) 1234 Street Dr : (B) 5678 Road Way :Other

Q: What if I do not receive a reply response to my OUT text message?

This might mean an unsuccessful transaction 和 the message has not been received. If you need to report an outage, please call 1-800-648-9401.

Q: What if my mobile number is not on the account 和 I opt in?

You will receive the following message: Welcome to Crow Wing Power's outage notifications. Please have primary account member call the billing department to update phone numbers on the account. 1-800-648-9401.


是的, if you opt out of this service 和 decide later you'd like to opt in, please text CWPTEXT to 800-648-9401 和 follow the prompts by replying with answers to the questions.