Crow Wing Power's Board of Directors comprises member-owners, 就像你一样, committed to understanding and listening to the needs of our community. These dedicated individuals represent you on our Board, which plays a crucial role in overseeing the cooperative's operations and setting its strategic direction.

Learn more about board responsibilities, qualifications, time commitment, and more. Qualifications for Eligibility

Crow Wing Power's service territory is organized into six districts, each overseen by a dedicated director alongside an additional at-large director. The directorship is subject to an annual rotation, with three districts electing directors each year.

2024 董事选举- Results

The Cooperative Districts 1A, 2 At-Large, and 3B have elections. Elected representatives will serve a three-year term on the Board of Directors. 

Filing closed on April 16, 2024 at 4:30 p.m.

If you have additional questions about the nomination process or becoming a Director, please contact Crow Wing Power during regular business hours by 电子邮件 or 800-648-9401.

Director Election- Districts 1A, 2 At-Large, and 3B 


  • Fredrick R Hage, Hackensack, MN
  • Jon Lubke, 詹金斯, MN


  • Greg Booth, Brainerd, MN 
  • Thomas M Lillehei, Breezy Point, MN
  • LuAnn Nelson, Crosslake, MN

3 b区

  • David Albers, Brainerd, MN
  • Ben Bernatsky, Brainerd, MN
  • James Mecklenburg, Hillman, MN
  • 兰迪·H. Winscher, Royalton, MN


Serving all or part of the areas of:

1区: 巴克莱, 桦树湖, 盲目的湖, 公麋, 的本, 巴克斯市, City of Breezy Point, City of Chickamaw Beach, 哈肯萨克市, 詹金斯市, 朗维尔市, 松河城, 盖尔湖, 理想的, 詹金斯, Kego, 松湖, 松河, 松树湖/男孩湖, Ponto湖, 权力, 蒂莫西, Wabedo, 《ladbrokes立博中文版》, 威尔逊, 伍德罗

第2区: 贝克尔, 拜伦, 巴克斯特城, City of Breezy Point, 克罗斯莱克市, City of East Gull Lake, 五十湖之城, 詹金斯市, 湖滨城, City of Manhattan Beach, 莫特利市, 尼斯瓦市, City of Pequot Lakes, 掠夺之城, 费尔文, 小鹿湖乡, 第一次评估, ladbrokes立博亚洲brook, 爱德华湖, 笨蛋湖, 枫木, 可以, Meadowbrook, 任务, 驼鹿湖, 马特里乡, 鹈鹕, 杨树, 罗辛乡, 斯坎迪亚谷, 森林的, 蒂莫西

区3 b: 萨格勒布乡, 湾湖, Belle Prairie Township, 贝尔维尤乡, 巴克曼乡, Buh乡, Center, 巴克曼市, 克罗斯比市, 库尤纳市, 迪尔伍德市, 里普利堡城, 驻军城, 热那亚市, 哈定市, 希尔曼市, 艾尔顿市, 拉斯特鲁普市, City of Little Falls, 皮尔兹市, 里弗顿市, 特罗姆马尔德市, 库欣乡, Dagget布鲁克, Deerwood, 堡里普利, 驻军, 花岗岩乡, Green Prairie Township, 希尔曼乡, Irondale, 长湖, 利镇, Little Falls Township, 枫树林, 任务, 橡树的草坪, 佩里湖, Pierz乡, 普拉特, 普拉特湖, 普拉斯基乡, 兔子湖, 理查森乡, 里普利乡, 罗斯福, Royalton城市, 第二次评估, 圣马, 天鹅河镇,两江乡, Woldford



Districts up for election in 2025: 1B, 2A, 3 At-Large

Districts up for election in 2026: 1 At-Large, 2B, 3A

Districts up for election in 2027: 1A, 2 At-Large, 3B



Ballots for the Director elections will be mailed in 可以 to all members.The voting process will conclude on the morning of our Annual Business Meeting, scheduled for June 15, 2024, at Forestview Middle School, where the elected directors will be announced.

Crow Wing Power retains the services of Survey and Ballot Systems, an independent contractor, to conduct the election in conjunction with the Annual Meeting.


在线 10分钟.m. 2024年6月14日. 去/ / Enter your individualized information printed on the detachable stub of the enclosed yellow return envelope marked “Official Ballot Use Only” and follow instructions given on the website.

二维码 From a mobile device, scan the QR code printed on the detachable stub of the enclosed yellow return envelope marked for “Official Ballot Use Only” and it will take you to your personal ballot page.

SmartHub Vote in the app or online. 
    • App: Open your SmartHub app, login and click the “Vote Now” button.
    • 在线: Login to your SmartHub account and click the “Vote Now” button.

邮件 被计算在内, mailed ballots must be sealed in the “Secrecy Envelope” and inserted into the final “Official Ballot Use Only” return envelope. Ballots must be received at the post office box designated on the yellow return envelope prior to 10:00 a.m.2024年6月15日. Read and follow directions carefully. Two official envelopes are enclosed: a white “Ballot Secrecy Envelope” and a yellow Business Reply Envelope marked “Official Ballot Use 

  1. Upon completing your ballot, insert the ballot into the white “Ballot Secrecy Envelope” and seal this envelope.
  2. Insert the sealed white “Secrecy Envelope” into the yellow “Official Ballot Use Only” return envelope.
  3. Tear off and discard the large stub on the back. It has your name and personal information for your verification and use only. Once removed, the bar coding on the yellow envelope flap will identify you as the official voter.
  4. 盖章和邮寄.